How to Care for Your Skin in the Winter

The weather is finally starting to get cold and it is officially winter! Time to break out the cozy sweaters and scarves. It's also time to break out the winter skincare routine. It's important to change up your skincare routine for winter because the weather and environment is different. The cold weather dries out your skin faster an can cause irritation. To prevent dry, irritated skin, try these skincare tips this winter:

1. Moisture Frequently

As we mentioned, the cold air tends to dry out your skin, so it's important to moisturize frequently or use a stronger moisturizer for the winter months.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliating is something you should be doing already. Exfoliate your skin 2-3 times a week to remove the dead skin and debris from your face. This will help keep your skin fresh and prevent acne.

3. Don't put away the sunscreen

Even if you might not feel the sun directly on your face, those rays are still making contact! You still need to apply sunscreen to protect against sun damage in the winter.

4. Hydrate and Limit Alcohol Consumption

Drinking plenty of water is one of the best things you can do for your skin. You'll be suprised at how clear and vibrant your face can get when you're properly hydrating! Alcohol will dehydrate you and could also cause a reaction that manifests in breaking out or splotchy skin.

Work these skincare tips into your routine in the winter months, and you will see a great improvement in your skin! We also have several facials that can help hydrate your skin and address any concerns you have. Check out our facials through the button below!


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