Vitamin Injections

Vitamin Therapy in St Augustine


We are journeying to deliver the most beneficial nutrients to the Saint Augustine community.  We look to take a holistic approach in our relationship, offering aesthetic & skin-care planning, robust vitamin IV drip therapies, and expanding our local partner network to help connect you with the right partners for your other various health aspirations that are outside of our domain.  Our health and wellness are of the utmost importance on a daily basis.  Glow Balance is already offering B12 and MIC shots, and we are fiercely working on some exciting infusions that we are excited to share with you soon.

IV vitamin treatment allows nutrients to be absorbed quickly and directly into the bloodstream, a method that produces higher levels of the vitamins and minerals in your body than if you got them from food or supplements. Higher levels of the vitamins and minerals in your bloodstream lead to greater uptake into cells, which can use the nutrients to maintain health and fight illness.  Subscribe below to our email list and you will be the first to hear our updates and receive the best deals!



Starting at $45

MIC shots are a class of agents that play important roles in the body’s functioning.  The nutrients in a MIC shot can aid in controlling cholesterol levels in the blood, controlling weight gain by maintaining healthy cell membranes, maintaining the nervous system, enhancing memory, and removing heavy metals within the body while breaking down fat deposits, preventing the possible buildup of fat in arteries.


Starting at $35

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep the body's nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Vitamin B12 also helps prevent a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia that makes people tired and weak.  B12 shots can help improve mood and energy, and can be especially beneficial for vegetarians who do not get enough in their diet, or are deficient due to malabsorption issues.


We designed our pricing structure with our patients at the top of mind. Since the best results often come with consistency over time, we set up a system that allows you to get amazing deals per treatment! As a Glow Balance patient, you have a Digital Glow Wallet where we track your deals, coupons, and pre-paid products. That means you can get a better deal by investing in your future treatments today!

coming soon

We are creating a robust menu of exciting IV drips and vitamin IV cocktails, including NAD+ infusions. We are working to create a menu that can suit any preference! Subscribe to our email list to get updates real-time.

coming soon

We are creating a robust menu of exciting IV drips and vitamin IV cocktails.  We are working to create a menu that can suit any preference!  Subscribe to our email list to get updates real-time.

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